Thursday, February 21, 2008


Sometimes 2 is good enough. But then, other times, it only takes 1. But then you remember, that 4 is better than 2 because 2 is double what 1 is and 4 is double what 2 is. 4 is pretty much the king of doubles because its a double of a double. And doubles are usually good. Because when people get married its a double, and married couples have a lot of fun.

4 is very much like a married couple because 4 is 2 2's which is 2 sets of 1's. And a married couple is made up of 2 people comprised of 2 things. Because both people are comprised of themselves and God (so each is 2 and 2 2's is 4). But I guess theres only 1 God so when they get married it becomes 3.

So I guess 3 is best.

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